Terry Hemlock

Terry Hemlock completed a four year Feldenkrais professional training in 1991 in the New York city area. He is certified through the Feldenkrais Guild of North America to practice Functional Integration and Awareness Through Movement. He chose the Feldenkrais Method to compliment physical therapy in order to help people achieve more functional and fulfilling lives through gentle mindful movement to bring new awareness and possibilities into every aspect of their lives.

He received a BA in Sociology from Saint Vincent college in 1971 and graduated from Wayne State University with a BS in Physical Therapy in 1975. Terry has practiced in hospitals, nursing homes, home PT and private practice settings. Emphasis has been on orthopedic PT and manual therapy. He has incorporated the Feldenkrais Method into his PT practice working with children to the elder citizen. He has taught Awareness Through Movement classes throughout Northwest PA and Western NY.

He provides individual Awareness Through Movement lessons and Functional Integration lessons at Vitality Health and Wellness.